
Nobody will stay with you forever, it’s only the knowledge, which you have procured that will stand by you eternally. This phrase we all had come across. Educational content is something that demands curiosity & creativity, these are the two elements that make the educational content intriguing and arouse the interest of the understudies. But nowadays it has been observed that even though we are living in the 21st Century and surrounded by new technologies & innovations then too we are using the same monotonous conventional teaching patterns to educate the students and this is the negative point of our educational structure. 

The content essayists all the time don’t know about the instructional method of certain idea fields, and subsequently, neglect to introduce point-by-point data suitable to subject-explicit multifaceted nature. The extension of information and artistic abilities are significant components in creating educational content for advanced education. 

How do We Help

Studyplank Learning Solutions is the b2b EdTech solutions outsourcing agency rendering educational content outsourcing services. We have a team comprising of Subject Matter Experts who are maestros of the various idea fields and trained for undergrad, post-graduate, and Ph.D. levels. Our SMEs formulate educational content that is planned to meet the learning destinations of the educational program. With their educational mindfulness, the SMEs are exceptionally insightful with their selection of phrases and sentence structure while creating content. Our group of scholarly content essayists is enthusiastic about arranging and settling content that is intellectual, cognizant, and upheld by applicable models, illustrations, and different incorporations.

All divisions are monitored by distinctive scholarly content essayists, quality examiners, editors, and visualizers who help in accomplishing the targets as per the requisites listed by the clients. Additionally, our web development content formulation services are accessible every minute of every day so the content can be conveyed across various time regions. With all the contemporary notions, we render all-around educational content development services to various EdTech firms & Teaching Institutions in India & Abroad.

Types of Content Development Services

Course Book Content

Studyplank Learning Solutions, is the b2b content formulation & development organization that is focused on delivering proficient content advancement services for our clients, intertwining with their exact necessities. We are an agency providing ready-to-print educational content for hardcover & paperback books and E-books for an assortment of idea fields for advanced education levels. We comprehend the compulsory considerations in a book, and we continually think of better plans to consolidate. Because of our all-around attention to the distinctive educational plan systems, we can convey educational content advancement services that are congruent with the learning results.

Test Bank

Apart from having pre-existing questions & test banks, Studyplank Learning Solutions likewise formulates new questionnaires & test banks for advanced education dependent on the client’s necessities. Our content formulation services render master assessment and retain the coeval nuances in our test banks series that are globally acknowledged, dependable, and legitimate. We additionally utilize factual & societal measures to upgrade our question series for additional revelation. Our test banks are profoundly compelling for the tour de force of tests.

Exercise & Lesson Plan

The exercise planners at Studyplank are anomalously talented and inventive while comprising the exercise and lessons content and arranging the delivery of all subject-characteristic key data in an exercise. Our exercises organizers are enthusiastic about making the learning experience diligent yet educated by upgrading accessibility and consolidating great educational content and visual narratives that make the ideas more justifiable for the understudies.

Solution Guidebook

Solution Guidebooks are amazingly useful for understudies in advanced education for finding the solutions of intrinsic issues in a course reading. The team of Studyplank consists of SMEs who record bit by bit answers to the most perplexing issues in an illustrative, interpretive, and exact way, which fortifies the applied information on understudies. The solution guidebook created by us doesn’t just assist understudies with taking care of one issue yet additionally gives them enough knowledge to take care of numerous comparative issues that may pop up later in test papers.

Preparation cum Practice Papers

Preparation is the most integral part of the student’s career so keeping this in mind, Studyplank formulates top-notch practice questions, map-out practice papers for all distinctive fields. Our SMEs can compose questions going from low to high order thinking analytical abilities, and can likewise incorporate subject improvement questions whenever required. Our SMEs are your knight in the shining armour because of their whole sole involvement while contriving questions and addressing all idea fields of advanced education. We are agency suppliers providing practice papers to our clients.

Quality Assurance

Studyplank Learning Solutions are the vendors. Our group comprises Quality Analysts (QA), who had practical experience in various orders, from Biology to Economics to ELA. Any content created by SMEs goes through quality checking and counterfeiting examining by the specific QAs before being delivered to the clients. Because of the broad experience of our QAs in the business, our quality-check measure is fastidious and profoundly effective. The QAs guarantee that the content…


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