
The ideas of virtualization for working with educational learning process have become the focal point of consideration in various nations. However, the discourse for, how innovations like augmented reality (AR) and computer-generated reality which is commonly known as virtual reality (VR) can be utilized to improve the educational learning. A survey was conducted to accumulate the information from primary teachers about the difficulties and possibilities of using VR and AR nuances in teaching & learning process. A bunch of proof and suggestions on AR and VR usage for encouraging teaching & learning process were supported by 53% of teachers & students in U.SA., UK & SINGAPORE respectively.

It was revealed that absence of capability, restricted informative plan, absence of centered consideration, absence of time, and restricted ecological assets were eminent difficulties in the usage of AR & VR services in educational learning. Subsequently, Studyplank (the b2b EdTech Firm) serendipitously, tracked down that the two advancements can be utilized to diversify upliftment of AR & VR services for educational purpose. 

How do We Help

Studyplank Learning Solutions is the B2B EdTech firm rendering educational outsourcing services from Allahabad, India. We tracked all the short comes that forms an abyss of vagueness that hinders the EdTech firms to render AR & VR services in educational learning process. Studyplank has a group of experienced IT experts who formulate intriguing and appealing educational learning content utilizing AR & VR nuance to make the educational learning intuitive, substantial, cognizant, and decipherable. We empower the EdTech agencies in fostering a profound spectrum of knowledge with the usage of AR & VR techniques.

As per the requisites listed by our clients, we cling to it and render the final assignment with an aroma of improvisation in it. We are committed to changing the conveyance and utilization of instructive content all around the world by meeting the interest of students to investigate real life opportunities. We render incredibly captivating and vivid encounters that involves anomalous chances for preparing and executing. We help organizations taking an interest in circumstances that appear to be genuine. We follow the idea of sensation realizing, which expects EdTech organizations to perform actual work that helps in the advancement of information absorption and maintenance. We work with independent investigation and urge the organization to provide adequate information regarding their expectation of work in regards to utilization of AR & VR techniques in it.

Functions of AR & VR

Consumer loyalty is significant for associations across all ventures to extend their business. What’s more, for organizations that propose after-deals administrations, conveying astounding client care is perhaps the most ideal approach to accomplish it. The ordinary tasks of field administration the board devour gigantic time. Yet, with the appearance of innovations like the internet of things (IoT), Augmented reality (AR), and Virtual reality (VR), the conventional acts of field administration are evolving.

AR and VR field service applications substitute enormous administrator manuals and handheld gadgets with better client experience and without hands activity capacities. It is because AR and VR gadgets make essential data effectively available when required. AR- and-VR-based wearable gadgets support experts’ efficiencies in offering field administrations. Additionally, there are a few use instances of AR and VR services executions in real world.

Types of AR & VR Services

Studyplank is an agency supplier providing AR & V R services for learning dimensions. As we all know there are limited opportunities in AR & VR services but we try our level best to render premium and credible AR & VR solutions for our clients. Some of the AR & VR services that we offer are as follows: –

Instructive Apps

Studyplank formulates effective, reasonable, and profoundly adequate instructive applications for educational organizations and business endeavours. Other than this, applications provide an ideal learning experience to the students. We extend execution-based learning purposes according to the similarity of gadgets, and learning solaces.

Content Development

Studyplank formulates educational content development services to empower EdTech organizations to discover insightful e-learning answers for preparing in particular ideas. Studyplank is an AR & VR specialist service suppliers in India providing content improvement benefits according to the learning targets and the preparation objectives.

3-D Graphics and Animations

Studyplank has a talented group of master experts providing 3D illustrations and animation services. Our experts spent their significant time in leading broad investigation and thorough difficult work for planning 3-D designs and movements projects for educational learning. Our AR and VR services are accessible at moderate costs.

Competitive Exams Simulation Videos

Studyplank being the AR and VR service supplier in India makes competitive examination 3D learning videos that helps the aspirants in retaining the useful in formation. The 3D videos have supportive and clever informative plan, normalized designs, easy to comprehend intelligent modules appended with 3D illustrations and animation.

AR and VR Apps Development

Studyplank has an armada of versatile programming advancement groups that make applications as per business needs and target crowds. We give savvy AR and VR application advancement services that meet all components in the business. Our group creates AR and VR applications for instructive foundations and mechanical areas.


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